History: Tiki25
Source of version: 54
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{include page="SVN deprecation notice"} ! {{page}} Tiki 25.0 will be released in ---October-- November 2022, --the same month-- one month after Tiki turns 20 years old! It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until ((Tiki26|Tiki 26.1)) is released, as per ((tw:Versions|the Tiki lifecycle policy)). Work will start on it in 2022-02, once the release process of ((Tiki24)) is started. Since this is a post-LTS, it has major changes, such as an upgrade to * [http://getbootstrap.com/|Bootstrap 5], [https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/tag/v5.0.0|which has been released in May 2021]. * ((Smarty)) 4, [https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/releases/tag/v4.0.0|which was released in November 2021] * ((Font Awesome)) 6, which [https://blog.fontawesome.com/font-awesome-6-2/|was released in February 2022] * --Adding support for PHP 8.0 and 8.1 while maintaining support for PHP 7.4--. See ((requirements)) for status. !! Browser support Given the fact our themes and Smarty templates rely on Bootstrap 5 heavily, the browser support for Tiki 25 follows the same path: * Dropped Internet Explorer 10 and 11 * Dropped Microsoft Edge < 16 (Legacy Edge) * Dropped Firefox < 60 * Dropped Safari < 12 * Dropped iOS Safari < 12 * Dropped Chrome < 60 For more details see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/migration/ {maketoc title="" levels="2,3"} !! New features ''(alphabetically sorted)'' !!!# Anime.js The spectacular [https://animejs.com/|Anime.js] library was [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1439|added] to Tiki and used in the new ((PluginCountup)) (and will be progressively deployed elsewhere in Tiki in future versions) !!!# Email bounce handling * ((Email bounce handling)) !!!# Email: Detect disposable Detect disposable email upon registration: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/b383d63d4fbcb3b7a751f10793cf5e95bfb0f559 !!!# Email filters * ((Email filters)) !!!# Federated timesheets * ((Federated timesheets)) !!!# File Gallery - Direct Mapping * ((File Gallery - Direct Mapping)) mode !!!# HTTP Headers security For ((HTTP Headers)), [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1684|stronger security settings are activated by default] in new installs of ((Tiki25))+ !!!# Machine Learning * ((Machine Learning)): Upgrade from version 0.4.2 to 2.1.1 ** https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1771 !!!# Manticore Search ((Manticore Search)) added as ((Unified Index Comparison|Unified Index option)) !!!# Markdown as default syntax Now possible to set Markdown as the new default syntax. This is opt-in, and current Tiki syntax will continue to work for many years. See: ((dev:WYSIWYG and Markdown)) !!!# Natural Language Generation * ((Natural Language Generation)) !!!# Realtime * ((Realtime)) !!!# Suffix Cleaner * ((Url Suffix Cleaner)) !!!# Tiki Manager as a Package * ((Tiki Manager Package)) !!!# Trackers * New tracker field property: exclude data and changes from email notifications. https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1898 !!!# Webhooks * ((Webhooks)) !!!# Wysiwyg Editor New Wysiwyg editor, to manage markdown also as default syntax in text areas. See: ((dev:WYSIWYG and Markdown)) !! Bug Fixes and Enhancements ''(alphabetically sorted)'' !!!# Wiki Syntax * [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1421|Fixed the wiki syntax parser to allow autolinks in parenthesis and exclude closing parenthesis from the external URLs autolinks] (backported to ((Tiki24))) Each Tiki will be capable to use Tiki Manager to manage itself or other Tiki instances. !!!# Plugin CustomSearch, List and List Execute download button positioning Added in Tiki25 a new parameter to control the position of the download button: downloadable-position="top|bottom|both". Values are top,-+bottom+- or both. Default is "bottom". See: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList-output-control-block#Download_CSV_of_Table_Results !! Removed * Old Tiki ((MindMap)) in Flash (We are looking for HTML5 replacement) * ((PluginSF)) * ((PluginFlash)) * ((PluginMySpace)) * [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/589d962b0a486b1585ebc4a12255949a5517feba|Superfish/Suckerfish has before removed] before the release of ((Tiki25)), as they are superseded by ((Smartmenus Megamenu)) * ((PluginCarousel)) * ((PluginGalleriffic)) * ((PluginSlider)) * ((OpenID)) ** __When you upgrade to Tiki25+, the now unusable user data related to OpenID will be deleted (The openid_url column in the users_users table)__