History: TikiMaster-Preference-Report
Source of version: 18
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! List of all preferences in Tiki !! The list {FANCYTABLE(head="Name|description|locations in the admin panels")} access_control_allow_origin %%% Access-Control-Allow-Origin|Domains allowed to make "CORS" (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or Cross-Domain Ajax) requests from this server.|general/2 ''activity_basic_events'' %%% Record basic events|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. This is primarily for entry level options. Using custom events is strongly encouraged.|community/2 ''activity_basic_tracker_update'' %%% Record tracker item update|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2 ''activity_basic_tracker_create'' %%% Record tracker item creation|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2 ''activity_basic_user_follow_add'' %%% Record user following users|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2 ''activity_basic_user_follow_incoming'' %%% Record user being followed by users|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2 ''activity_basic_user_friend_add'' %%% Record user adding new friend|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2 ''activity_custom_events'' %%% Custom activities|Allow the defining of custom behaviors in addition to internal events.|community/2 ''activity_notifications'' %%% Enable notifications through activities|Allow users to create notifications using activities.|community/2 ''ajax_autosave'' %%% Ajax auto-save|Save content during editing, enabling work to be recovered after any interruption. Also enable a real-time preview. This option is required for WYSIWYG plugin processing.|features/2, textarea/1, wysiwyg/1 ''ajax_inline_edit'' %%% Inline editing|Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields.|trackers/1 ''ajax_inline_edit_trackerlist'' %%% Tracker list inline editing|Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page.|trackers/1 ''ajax_edit_previews'' %%% Preview Edits|Add a preview tab to text areas.|textarea/1 ''alchemy_ffmpeg_path'' %%% ffmpeg path|Path to the location of the ffmpeg binary|fgal/1 ''alchemy_ffprobe_path'' %%% ffprobe path|Path to the location of the ffprobe binary|fgal/1 ''alchemy_imagine_driver'' %%% Alchemy Image library|Select either Image Magick or GD Graphics Library.|fgal/1 ''alchemy_unoconv_path'' %%% unoconv path|Path to the location of the unoconv binary.|fgal/1 ''alchemy_gs_path'' %%% ghostscript path|Path to the location of the ghostscript binary.|fgal/1 ''alchemy_unoconv_timeout'' %%% unoconv timeout|The maximum amount of time for unoconv to execute.|fgal/1 ''alchemy_unoconv_port'' %%% unoconv port|unoconv running port.|fgal/1 ''allocate_memory_unified_rebuild'' %%% Search index rebuild memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, search/1 ''allocate_time_unified_rebuild'' %%% Search index rebuild time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, search/1 ''allocate_memory_tracker_export_items'' %%% Tracker item export memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, trackers/1 ''allocate_time_tracker_export_items'' %%% Tracker item export time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, trackers/1 ''allocate_memory_tracker_import_items'' %%% Tracker item import memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|trackers/1 ''allocate_time_tracker_import_items'' %%% Tracker item import time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|trackers/1 ''allocate_time_tracker_clear_items'' %%% Tracker clear time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, trackers/1 ''allocate_memory_print_pdf'' %%% Printing to PDF memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, print/1 ''allocate_time_print_pdf'' %%% Printing to PDF time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, print/1 ''allocate_time_secdb_check'' %%% Security check time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Security check. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11 ''allocate_memory_php_execution'' %%% PHP execution memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11 ''allocate_time_php_execution'' %%% PHP execution time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11 ''allowmsg_by_default'' %%% Users accept internal messages by default||messages/1 ''allowmsg_is_optional'' %%% Users can opt out of internal messages||messages/1 areas_root %%% Areas root category ID|ID of category whose child categories are bound to a perspective by areas|workspace/2, category/1 ''article_comments_per_page'' %%% Number per page|Set the number of comments per page.|articles/1 ''article_comments_default_ordering'' %%% Display order|Set the display order of comments.|articles/1 ''article_paginate'' %%% Paginate articles|Divide articles into multiple pages with pagebreak markers.|articles/1 article_remembers_creator|Article creator remains article owner|Last article editor does not automatically become author (owner).|articles/1 ''article_user_rating'' %%% User ratings on articles|Allow users to rate articles.|articles/1, rating/1 ''article_user_rating_options'' %%% Article rating options|List of options available for the rating of articles.|articles/1, rating/1 ''article_image_size_x'' %%% Default maximum width for custom article images|Set the default maximum width of the article image|articles/1 ''article_image_size_y'' %%% Default maximum height for custom article images|Set the default maximum height of article images|articles/1 ''article_default_list_image_size_x'' %%% Default maximum width for custom article images in list mode (on View Articles)|Sets the default maximum width of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)|articles/1 ''article_default_list_image_size_y'' %%% Default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)|Set the default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on the View Articles page)|articles/1 ''article_image_file_size_max'' %%% Article image maximum file size|Maximum file size for an article image. Article images are stored in the database so it should remain low.|articles/1 ''article_custom_attributes'' %%% Custom attributes for article types|Enable additional custom fields for article types|articles/1 article_sharethis_publisher|Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional)|Set to define your ShareThis publisher identifier|articles/1 ''article_related_articles'' %%% Related articles|Display a list of related articles at the bottom of an article page|articles/1 article_use_new_list_articles|Use new articles|Use the new CustomSearch-based article lists rather than database information|articles/1 ''article_feature_copyrights'' %%% Article copyright|Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.|articles/1, copyright/1 ''article_start_year'' %%% First year in the dropdown||articles/1 ''article_end_year'' %%% Last year in the dropdown||articles/1 ''art_sort_mode'' %%% Article order|Default sort mode for the articles on the list-articles page|articles/2 ''art_home_title'' %%% Title of articles homepage|Select the default title for the page that displays all articles.|articles/1 ''art_list_title'' %%% Title||articles/2 ''art_list_title_len'' %%% Title length||articles/2 ''art_list_type'' %%% Type||articles/2 ''art_list_topic'' %%% Topic||articles/2 ''art_list_date'' %%% Publication date||articles/2 ''art_list_expire'' %%% Expiration date||articles/2 ''art_list_visible'' %%% Visible||articles/2 ''art_list_lang'' %%% Language||articles/2 ''art_list_author'' %%% Author (owner)||articles/2 ''art_list_authorName'' %%% Author name (as displayed)||articles/2 ''art_list_rating'' %%% Author rating||articles/2 ''art_list_usersRating'' %%% Users rating||articles/2 ''art_list_reads'' %%% Reads||articles/2 ''art_list_size'' %%% Size||articles/2 ''art_list_img'' %%% Images||articles/2 ''art_list_id'' %%% Id||articles/2 ''art_list_ispublished'' %%% Is published||articles/2 ''art_trailer_pos'' %%% Trailer position||articles/2 ''art_header_text_pos'' %%% Header text position|Header text positionRequires a smaller image for list view|articles/2 ''auth_method'' %%% Authentication method|Tiki supports several authentication methods. The default method is to use the internal user database.|login/1 ''auth_token_access'' %%% Token access|With the presentation of a token, allow access to the content with elevated rights. The primary use of this authentication method is to grant temporary access to content to an external service.|security/5 ''auth_token_access_maxtimeout'' %%% Token access default timeout|The default duration for which the generated tokens will be valid.|security/5 ''auth_token_access_maxhits'' %%% Token access default maximum hits|The default maximum number of times a token can be used before it expires.|security/5 ''auth_token_preserve_tempusers'' %%% Do not delete temporary users when token is deleted/expired|Normally temporary users created (see tiki-adminusers.php) are deleted when their access token is deleted/expired. If turned on, this will keep those users around (and can be manually deleted later) but they will have no groups and therefore no perms|security/5 ''auth_token_share'' %%% Share access rights with friends when using Share|Allow users to share their access rights for the current page with a friend when sending the link by email, Twitter, or Facebook. The lifespan of the link is defined by the site.|security/5, community/1 ''auth_phpbb_create_tiki'' %%% Create user if not registered in Tiki|Automatically create a new Tiki user for the PHPbb login|login/9 ''auth_phpbb_skip_admin'' %%% Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/9 ''auth_phpbb_disable_tikionly'' %%% Disable Tiki users with no phpBB login|Disable Tiki users who don’t have a phpBB login as they could have been deleted.|login/9 ''auth_phpbb_version'' %%% phpBB Version||login/9 ''auth_phpbb_dbhost'' %%% phpBB Database Hostname||login/9 ''auth_phpbb_dbuser'' %%% phpBB Database Username||login/9 ''auth_phpbb_dbpasswd'' %%% phpBB Database Password||login/9 ''auth_phpbb_dbname'' %%% phpBB Database Name||login/9 ''auth_phpbb_table_prefix'' %%% phpBB Table Prefix||login/9 ''auth_ldap_permit_tiki_users'' %%% Use Tiki authentication for users created in Tiki|If this option is set, users that are created using Tiki are not authenticated via LDAP. This can be useful to let external users (ex.: partners or consultants) access Tiki, without being in your main user list in LDAP.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_host'' %%% Host|The hostnames, ip addresses or URIs of your LDAP servers. Separate multiple entries with Whitespace or ‘,’. If you use URIs, then the settings for Port number and SSL are ignored. Example: “localhost ldaps://master.ldap.example.org:63636” will try to connect to localhost unencrypted and if if fails it will try the master LDAP server at a special port with SSL.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_port'' %%% Port|The port number your LDAP server uses (389 is the default, 636 if you check SSL).|login/3 ''auth_ldap_debug'' %%% Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs|Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).|login/3 ''auth_ldap_ssl'' %%% Use SSL (ldaps)||login/3 ''auth_ldap_starttls'' %%% Use TLS||login/3 ''auth_ldap_type'' %%% LDAP Bind Type|<ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>|login/3 ''auth_ldap_scope'' %%% Search scope|Used after authentication for getting user and group information.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_basedn'' %%% Base DN||login/3 ''auth_ldap_userdn'' %%% User DN||login/3 ''auth_ldap_userattr'' %%% User attribute||login/3 ''auth_ldap_useroc'' %%% User OC||login/3 ''auth_ldap_nameattr'' %%% Realname attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_countryattr'' %%% Country attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_emailattr'' %%% Email attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3 ''auth_ldap_groupdn'' %%% Group DN||login/4 ''auth_ldap_groupattr'' %%% Group name attribute||login/4 ''auth_ldap_groupdescattr'' %%% Group description attribute||login/4 ''auth_ldap_groupoc'' %%% Group OC||login/4 ''auth_ldap_memberattr'' %%% Member attribute||login/4 ''auth_ldap_memberisdn'' %%% Member is DN||login/4 ''auth_ldap_usergroupattr'' %%% Group attribute||login/4 ''auth_ldap_groupgroupattr'' %%% Group attribute in group entry||login/4 ''auth_ldap_adminuser'' %%% Admin user||login/3 ''auth_ldap_adminpass'' %%% Admin password||login/3 ''auth_ldap_group_external'' %%% Use an external LDAP server for groups||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_host'' %%% Host||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_port'' %%% Port||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_debug'' %%% Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs|Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).|login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_ssl'' %%% Use SSL (ldaps)||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_starttls'' %%% Use TLS||login/4 auth_ldap_group_type|LDAP Bind Type|<ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>|login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_scope'' %%% Search scope||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_basedn'' %%% Base DN||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_userdn'' %%% User DN||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_userattr'' %%% User attribute||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr'' %%% Corresponding user attribute in 1st directory||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_useroc'' %%% User OC||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_adminuser'' %%% Admin user||login/4 ''auth_ldap_group_adminpass'' %%% Admin password||login/4 ''auth_ws_create_tiki'' %%% Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/10 ''auth_api_tokens'' %%% API access|Enable access to Tiki API via definition of API tokens.|security/10 ''auth_webhooks'' %%% Webhook access|Enable Tiki to receive webhook requests from 3rd parties.|security/11 ''available_languages'' %%% Available languages|By default, all languages supported by Tiki are available on multilingual sites. This option allows limiting the languages to a subset.|i18n/1 ''available_themes'' %%% Available themes|Restrict available themes|look/1 {FANCYTABLE} !! How to export this list {CODE()} #:~/public_html$ php console.php preferences:export --wiki=yes --fields=preference,name,description,locations pref.list Exporting preferences... Preferences exported in pref.list.tiki #:~/public_html$ {CODE} !! To discuss improvements * ((dev:Preferences report))