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History: Tracker Admin

Source of version: 28 (current)

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            ! Trackers Admin

__To access__: Click the __Tracker__ icon {icon name="admin_trackers" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=trackers__ 

To administer Trackers, first click the __"Admin (Click!)"__ menu to display the Tiki Admin Panel, as shown in this graphic:

::{picture file=img/wiki_up//ImgGal-ADMIN-01.png}::

!! Trackers 
{picture file=img/icons/admin_trackers.png}

From the Tiki Admin Panel, click the Trackers icon to display its settings panel, the top of which appears like so:

::{picture file=img/wiki_up//Trackers-ADMIN-001b.png}::

!!Configure Trackers
Trackers can have attached files. In this panel you can set up where to store attached files (if a tracker allows it). You can store attachments in the database or a directory. The directory __path__ can be absolute (example: ''/foo/bar/uploads/'') or relative to the Tiki directory (example: ''files/''). The __trailing slash__ is mandatory. 

Here you can: 

* Set the file storage location to either the Tiki database or a directory on your web server's hard disk. 

!!! Use database to store files
!!! Use a directory to store files 

Tracker Attachment Storage: Trackers can be set up to allow file attachments, which will be stored in the either the Tiki database or in a directory on your webserver's hard disk. Storing files inside your database is OK for small files or a low volume of files, but a folder is recommended for a high volume site or when your files are relatively large. 

Note the __mandatory__ trailing forward slash on the path, shown here in red. The path you specify can be absolute: 


... or relative to your Tiki's install directory:


''Path characteristic checklist:'' 

* Has a trailing slash.
* For best security, is specified from the root, and is in a separate folder from Tiki. 
* Has its permissions set (e.g. via the chmod command from the command line or in your FTP client software) to allow uploads by the webserver user. 
* Has enough space to allow storage of your expected file volume. 

If you take a look at your folder after uploading some images, you can see that Tiki randomizes the filenames, as shown in this graphic: 

::^{picture file=img/wiki_up//Trackers-ADMIN-002.png}^::

__Troubleshooting Tip:__ If you are having trouble with file uploads, you can edit settings in your php.ini, or, place an .htaccess file in the root of your tiki installation. 

# Partial .htaccess file sample. 
# Override PHP.ini variables, which can be viewed using phpinfo:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
# If you are using Apache 2, you have to use <IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
# instead of <IfModule mod_php4.c>.

php_value max_execution_time	300
php_value upload_max_filesize	"10M"
php_value memory_limit 		"32M" 
php_value session.cache_expire    20000
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime  20000
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 20000   

# Zero means unlimted request body size:
LimitRequestBody 0


-=More documentation=-

-=Related Information=-
* To enable Trackers for your site, see ((General Admin)).
* To specify permissions for Tracker users, see ((Permissions)) for the general procedure. 
* For information on using Trackers, see ((Tracker User)).
* For technical details, see ((Tracker Details)). 
* ((Mirror Trackers))

-=Useful Links=-
* Apache WWW Server htaccess tutorial:
+ [http://httpd.apache.org/docs/howto/htaccess.html]
* PHP htaccess information:
+ [http://jp2.php.net/configuration.changes]
* Absolute Path Glossary Entry
+ [http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/absolute_path.htm]
