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History: Troubleshooting

Source of version: 67

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            ! Things to check and try first
{DIV(float=right,width="250px")}{DIV}If you are having problems with your Tiki, here a  number of things that you should review and try first:
# Try another browser 
# Try from another computer with http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html or http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (your IP could be blocked or something)
# Use Tiki ((Check)) to detect issues.
# Check for ((dev:BOM)) in your files
# Check ((tw:ReleaseNotes|release notes)) for your version and the previous ones -- is this a known issue?.
# Check the ((dev:wishlist|reported bugs)) -- is this a reported issue?
# Are you running ((info:Download|latest stable version))? Your Tiki version is shown on the ((General Admin)) page. 
# Is database out-of-date? Starting in version 3.0, Tiki will report a __Database Version Problem__ message on the ((Admin Panels)) if your database requires an update.
# Is your database corrupt? See ((Repair database)) for details.
# Clear all ((System Admin|Tiki caches)) by selecting __Admin > Tiki Cache__ from the menu.
# Deactivate __GZIP__, __Minify__, and other options in the ((Performance)) admin panel
# Deactivate ((Apache Clean URLs)) (especially if you are on Windows IIS server). If this solves the issue, it's likely because you are using an old version of .htaccess instead of the one for your version of Tiki.
# Clear your ''browser's'' cache by using __Ctrl+F5__. Refer to your browser's help system for details.
# Clear your browser's cookies. Refer to your browser's help system for details.
# Try another browser, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, or Opera.
# Check your web server's error log. Any file or folder permission problems are commonly shown in the log.
# Are your ((File and Folder permissions|Tiki file and folder perms configured properly))?  If you have shell access to the server, use __sh setup.sh__. 
# Attempt to log out of your Tiki, then log in again.
# ((Security Admin|#Check_your_files|Check integrity of your files)).
# Have you added any custom entries to the __.htaccess__ file? Temporarily comment them out.
# If you changed a server setting, did you restart Apache?
# Change the theme (especially if you are using a custom theme). See [http://themes.tiki.org|Tiki Themes] for details.
# Try to reproduce the problem on a Tiki ((tw:demo)) site. If you can reproduce, then, please ((dev:report a bug)).
# Enable the Tiki debugging features by applying the [http://profiles.tiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled|Debug Mode Profile].
# Check in MySQL for the table __tiki_actionlog__ to see what the latest changes were before the issue started.

! Common Tiki Problems
{img src=img/icons/help.png alt="Help"} Be sure to review the ((Tiki FAQs)) for answers to frequently asked questions.

!! Locked out of Tiki
''...and I can't go to profiles to enable Debug Mode''
* Run the installer at tiki-install.php
* In one of the steps, you can activate error messages 
# Access your database (by using [http://www.adminer.org/|Adminer], phpMyAdmin or the equivalent).
# Find the table -+tiki_preferences+-.
# Edit the values from above.
* Item: __error_reporting_level__
* Value: __2047__

{CODE()}mysql -h localhost -udbusername -p*********** dbname -e "UPDATE tiki_preferences SET value = '2047' WHERE name = 'error_reporting_level'"{CODE}

You should also empty the Tiki cache or manually delete all __*.tpl__ files in the __../templates_c/__ directory.

Please note that some server configurations will prevent Tiki from overriding the error reporting of PHP. Make sure your server has error reporting and/or logging properly setup. 

If your Tiki is in a subdirectory and you use HTTPS, [https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=56760|this forum thread] may be some help.
!! Won't save certain content
This could be because of ((ModSecurity)), which you should turn off temporarily.

!! Blank pages
The __most common__ cause of a blank screen in which Tiki shows ''no error message'' and ''no content'' is insufficient PHP script execution memory. Tiki requires a ''minimum'' of __64MB__ ([http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit|the default value of PHP 5.3 is 128 Megs] and ideally, it should be at this value). (which you can change in ((php.ini)) or ((httpd.conf)). If you are using ((OPcache)), ((APC)) or ((XCache)), make sure they also have enough memory.

Also, make sure to activate your error messages. You can do this be re-running the installer at tiki-install.php (Step #7 Configure the General Settings)

Review your tiki-phpinfo.php page or contact your server admin to make sure your site meets this requirement. See ((Requirements)) for details.

!!! Blank pages after inserting code
Another case of getting ((WSOD)) (or a "blank page") can happen when you insert some custom JS or CSS code containing curly brackets in the Look & Feel admin panel or custom module textareas and forgot to surround them with literal Smarty block:

Let's assume, that you cut and pasted some code containing curly brackets in the Custom HTML Head textarea.

Now you hit the Apply button and suddenly. Eeek! You are "locked out" in the WSOD! But Do not panic™! There is a solution ;)

Actually, you have two options how to fix or reset it back:
# If you do not want to loose the previous content of that textarea you just edited you can go to your MySQL admin tool ([http://www.adminer.org/|Adminer], PHPMyAdmin or whatever is available for you) and locate the feature_custom_html_head_content field (if it happened to be another textarea than Custom HTML Head, just look for the other one by similar name) in the tiki-preferences table. Then just edit the content of the field to fix it (e.g. by surrounding it by the literal block).
# If you do not care about clearing and resetting that textarea completely, you can just use the following trick. In your browser's address bar instead of the tiki-admin.php?page=look put this there:
+ tiki-admin.php?page=look&looksetup=Apply&feature_custom_html_head_content=&lm_preference[]=feature_custom_html_head_content
+ Then hit Enter key on your keyboard and your Tiki should be back!
!! Internal server error
This can happen because of incorrect ((File and Folder permissions)).

!! Forgotten admin password
If you have lost or forgotten your Tiki __admin__ password, see 
((Lost admin password)).

!! Session issues
Your Tiki may have trouble writing [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_ID|HTTP sessions] to the disk. Instead, try storing in the database. In your lib/prefs/session.php file (you can see an example [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/lib/prefs/session.php?view=markup|here], find the session_storage preference and change the 'default' from 'default' to 'db'.

!! Broken theme
If you customized a Tiki theme and now have problems, see [http://themes.tiki.org/Template+Tricks#I_broke_my_theme|Template Tricks] on [http://themes.tiki.org|Tiki Themes].

!! Module breaks site
If you created or edited a ((module)) and included invalid or poorly formatted syntax, Tiki may display errors. Access your database (for example, by using [http://www.adminer.org/|Adminer] or phpMyAdmin) and remove the offending module from the tiki_modules table. Please note that you can easily re-instate via the admin panel after, as it is not deleted but just unassigned.

!! Missing or corrupted files
If you are getting weird error messages that no one else seems to be getting, it could that your upload didn't complete properly. So you are missing some files or they are corrupt. The solution is simple: reupload the files. ((Security Admin|#Check_your_files|Check file integrity))

!! tiki-login.php unable to login
** Here is the error msg: XMLRPC Error: 5 - Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 301 Found)
*** This happens with tiki.org is not available (with ((InterTiki)) login)

!! Lucene Search related issues
On tiki-admin.php?page=search Turn off "Search" (which is the Lucene one) and activate "MySQL Full-Text Search" instead. Lucene generally has better results and is required some advanced Tiki uses, but causes issues on some servers. MySQL Full-Text Search is just fine for the vast majority of sites.

!!! File gallery progress wheel never ends...
Ensure that there is no problem with the re-indexing. ((Check file indexing))

!! Search Engine Friendly URLs have been activated but the server won't support them
This can be because there is no .htaccess, or it's there but the server doesn't support it somehow.

Solution: Turn off ((Search Engine Friendly URL))s.

!! WYSIWYG editor doesn't load
* This can happen if you are on a mobile device, that doesn't support CKeditor.
* If this is happening in a supported browser, it's likely because of invalid HTML. Try adding &wysiwyg=n to the URL, and then, clean up the data

!! Site running painfully slowly after upgrade
This happened to me on an upgrade from Tiki 12.x to 18.x on a really old site with a lot of legacy data, specifically there were over 3 million rows in -+tiki_stats+- and -+feature_stats+- was enabled. {sign user="jonnybradley" datetime="2020-01-07T11:23:15+00:00"}

Each page load was taking a minute or so, and eventually i tracked it down to the index being missing on -+tiki_stats+- bacuse there was a duplicate value in the table that shouldn't have been there. So the process to find and fix it was:

/* to find the duplicate */
SELECT `object`, `type`, `day`, COUNT(*) AS anyVariableName FROM `tiki_stats`
GROUP BY `object`,`type`,`day` HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

/* then assuming there is only one duplicate */
/* combine the two stats */
UPDATE `tiki_stats` SET `hits` = '2' WHERE `object` = 'Your Wiki Page Name' AND `type` = 'wiki' AND `day` = '1576627200' AND `hits` = '1' LIMIT 1;
/* delete the second one */
DELETE FROM `tiki_stats` WHERE `object` = 'Your Wiki Page Name' AND `type` = 'wiki' AND `day` = '1576627200' AND `hits` = '1' LIMIT 1;
/* add back in the missing index - note, this is for Tiki 18, 19+ should use `object`(157) due to utf8_mb4 */
ALTER TABLE `tiki_stats` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`object`(200),`type`,`day`);



Information Version
Marc Laporte Lucene has been removed from Tiki 69
Jonny Bradley fixing heading hopefully so that the autotoc works (you can only have one h1) 68
Jonny Bradley 67
Marc Laporte Not in code base anymore 66
Jonny Bradley remove unhelpful structure redirect hack 65
Jonny Bradley 64
Jonny Bradley add how to fix tiki_stats table for 18.x 63
drsassafras Mass search and replace 62
Yves Kipondo 61
drsassafras grammer and spelling fixes 60
Marc Laporte 59
Marc Laporte Thanks for the tip Jonny! 58
lissacoffey 57
lissacoffey 56
lissacoffey 55
Jonny Bradley 54
Marc Laporte WYSIWYG editor doesn't load 53
Marc Laporte 52
Marc Laporte An issue typical of folks installing their own server 51
Marc Laporte That was really old 50
Marc Laporte Making own section 49
Marc Laporte Wasted many hours on this one 48
pianoliv +default structure 47
Marc Laporte 46
Marc Laporte 45
Marc Laporte 44
Marc Laporte 43
Marc Laporte 42
Marc Laporte 41
Marc Laporte 40
Marc Laporte Oups 39
Marc Laporte 38
Marc Laporte 37
Marc Laporte Adminer is so useful! 36
luciash d' being 🧙 35
luciash d' being 🧙 34
Marc Laporte 33
Marc Laporte 32
Marc Laporte 31
Marc Laporte 30
Marc Laporte 29
Xavier de Pedro 28
Xavier de Pedro 27
Marc Laporte 24
Marc Laporte 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte 21
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 20
SiL3NC3 19
Marc Laporte 17
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