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History: Unified Index Comparison

Source of version: 19

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            ! Unified Index Comparison
The ((unified index)) has support for multiple engines. While all of them offer the same functionality and connect to various functionality such as the content search, ((PluginList)), ((PluginCustomSearch)) and various others, they will have different performance characteristics and some may offer additional features. 

As a general rule, the engine can simply be switched and the index rebuilt without any additional change to the configuration.

!! Overview

The search engines are:
* Zend_Search_Lucene (PHP Implementation) __Removed: Last version ((Tiki21))__
** ''introduced in ((Tiki7)), and will be removed at one point since the Zend Framework project leader wrote: [https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSearch/pull/23#issuecomment-312265313|"This component has not been maintained since we split it from the ZF1 sources; we have no plans to make any further releases."] and [https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSearch/issues/24#issuecomment-289212582|"This component is no longer maintained; the last PHP version it was tested against is 5.3."]
** Complete PHP implementation
** CPU and Disk I/O bound
** Slowest indexing, stable query speed, decent results
** Customizable
** Requires file permission configuration (Apache needs to be able to write to the file)
* MySQL Full Text Search __(is the default for 12.x onwards)__
** ''introduced in ((Tiki12))''
** Within MySQL, additional memory required
** Fast indexing (can be 10 times faster than Zend_Search_Lucene), slower/unstable query speed
** No configuration required
** Uncustomizable
* ((Elasticsearch))
** ''introduced in ((Tiki12))''
** Independent Java server(s), horizontally scalable
** Feature-rich
** Fast indexing, fast/stable query speed, decent/good results
** Typically, Elasticsearch is set up as a cluster on different servers than Tiki  (or using a third-party service), but it is also possible to install on the same server ([http://wikisuite.org/How-to-install-Elasticsearch-on-ClearOS|This is the default setup for WikiSuite])
** Customizable

Others may be added later

!! Limitations

The Zend_Search_Lucene implementations's primary limitation is indexing performance. 
* It is heavily bound on I/O disk operations and indexing will consume important amounts of PHP memory.
* Query caching may cause the disk to use large amounts of space.
* When the search query is too wide and provides over 1000 documents (configurable), it will not fully explore all possibilities to keep ranking time reasonable.

The MySQL implementation has several limitations:
* Words with 3 or less characters will not be indexed unless the MySQL server configuration is modified.
* MySQL comes with an extensive list of English stopwords, preventing many queries from working.
* MySQL can use a single index at a time. Depending on the query, performance can vary significantly.
* MySQL has several limitations on the number of columns and indexes it can contain. Complex sites with many different query patterns may hit those limitations.
* No support for field boosting, such as providing more relevance for hits on the title.
* There is a limitation on the number of tracker fields. The limitation is quite high (2000+), but when you hit it, you need to move to Zend_Search_Lucene.

Elasticsearch requires a dedicated environment to be installed and works better with multiple instances running. It does not have known limitations.

!! Extra features

* Facet search (dynamic filters applicable on search results)
** Only supported by Elasticsearch
* More Like This
** Only supported by Elasticsearch
* ((Federated Search))
** Only supported by Elasticsearch

!! Selection guidelines

* Small sites, simple functionality: MySQL Full Text Search
* Small/medium sites, advanced functionality: Zend_Search_Lucene (PHP Implementation)
* Dedicated environment: Elasticsearch

!! Engine-specific notes

!!! Zend_Search_Lucene (PHP Implementation)
The default implementation is based on Zend_Search_Lucene, a PHP implementation of the Java Lucene index engine. The engine has no external dependencies and can run on all hosts. However, some configuration may be required to reach acceptable performance.

The time required to build a complete index will vary depending on the content of the site. As a reference,

* doc.tiki.org (this site), with over 1400 pages, reindexes in around 3 minutes
* themes.tiki.org, with some pages and several hundreds of forum posts, reindexes in around 15 seconds
* corporate intranets with several gigabytes of data in file galleries can take over an hour 

Alexander Veremy, the author of the component provided [http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Zend-Search-Lucene-Large-amount-of-data-tp643668p643669.html|some insight on how to adjust the parameters].

!!! MySQL Full Text Search

No notes.

!!! Elasticsearch

No notes.

* (alias(Search Engine Comparison))


Information Version
Marc Laporte 65
Marc Laporte 64
Marc Laporte 63
Marc Laporte 62
Marc Laporte 61
Marc Laporte 60
Marc Laporte 59
Marc Laporte Full Text Search MyISAM vs Full Text Search INNODB 58
Marc Laporte Important info 57
Marc Laporte 56
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improved some information 55
Marc Laporte Manticore Buddy 54
Marc Laporte Adding Percona Server for MySQL, which is a "a free, fully compatible drop in replacement for Oracle MySQL." 53
Marc Laporte 52
Marc Laporte How to search currency amounts 51
Marc Laporte 50
Marc Laporte 49
Marc Laporte 48
Marc Laporte 47
Marc Laporte 46
Marc Laporte 45
Marc Laporte 44
Marc Laporte 43
Marc Laporte 42
Marc Laporte 41
Marc Laporte 40
Marc Laporte 39
Marc Laporte 38
Marc Laporte 37
Marc Laporte 36
Marc Laporte Remove info about Zend_Search_Lucene 35
Marc Laporte 34
Marc Laporte 33
Marc Laporte 32
Marc Laporte 31
Marc Laporte 30
Marc Laporte 29
Marc Laporte 28
Marc Laporte 27
Marc Laporte Zend_Search_Lucene was removed so doesn't make sense to recommend 26
Marc Laporte 25
Marc Laporte A bit of info about Manticore Search 24
Marc Laporte 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte 21
Marc Laporte 20
Marc Laporte 19
Marc Laporte 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte Zend Leach Lucene: no more releases: https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSearch/pull/23 16
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