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History: Wiki Page Editor

Source of version: 24

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! The Wiki Page Editor
The Wiki Page Editor will allow you to do some or all of the following:
* Add content
* Accentuate your content using Wiki Syntax
* Add HTML tags

The following sections explain how to do this.

!! The Editor
The following image shows the Wiki Page Editor.
^ ::{img src=img/wiki_up//WikiUser-Editor.png}:: ^
The buttons across the top of the page are almost identical to those on the Wiki page except for __Wiki Quick Help__ which displays a help screen for Wiki syntax below the editor. See __Wiki Quick Help__ below
The sections are:
* __Quicklinks__ or __Quicktags__: these icons provide a handy way of inserting Wiki Syntax. When one of these icons is selected, the Wiki syntax is inserted at the cursors position. The meaning of each of these icons is as follows:
** {img src=images//ico_copy.gif } __Insert Wiki Link__ Will insert __~040~(text)~041~__ / replace __text__ with any existing or new page name. See __((Wiki-Syntax Links))__
** {img src=images//ed_format_underline.gif } __Underlined Text__ Will insert __=~061~=text=~061~=__ / replace __text__ with text to be underlined. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text))__
** {img src=images//fullscreen_maximize.gif } __Insert Titlebar__ Will insert __-~061~text~061~-__ / replace __text__ with the name to be used. See __((Wiki-Syntax Separators))__
** {img src=images//footprint.gif } __Insert Tagline__ Will insert __ ~123~cookie~125~__ / this will display the current cookie, no changes necessary. See __((Cookie)) __
** {img src=images//insert_table.gif } __Insert New Table__ How a table works is dependent on an Administrative setting. One style uses multiple lines to separate Rows. This icon is used with that method. It will insert 2 lines (which should be on their own lines)
++__~124~~124~r1c1~124~r1c2__ – which stands for Row1-Column1 & Row1-Column2
++__r2c1~124~r2c2~124~~124~__ – which stands for Row2-Column1 & Row2-Column2
++Any text or image can replace the row/col names. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text))__
** {img src=images//insert_table.gif } __Edit Table__ This icon is used with the other way a table is created. This icon will insert:
++The primary difference between the two methods is that with this method a double __~124~~124~__ is used to identify the end of a row and all of the data must be on a single line. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text))__
** {img src=images//ico_link.gif } __Insert RSS Feed__ Will insert ~123~rss id= ~125~. The id number to is dependent on choices made by the site’s administrator. See __((Feeds User)) __
** {img src=images//ed_format_italic.gif } __Italic Text__ Will insert __~039~~039~text~039~~039~__ / replace __text__ with the text to be italicized. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text)) __
** {img src=images//ed_image.gif } __Insert Image__ Will insert
++__~123~img src= width= height= align= desc= link= ~125~__ / add to the following: __src=__ a URL to an image (mandatory) / __width=__ a number in pixels / __height=__ a number in pixels / __align=__ (right, left, center) / __desc=__ a description to be displayed / __link=__ a URL to go to when clicked. See __((Wiki-Syntax Images)) __
** {img src=images//ed_hr.gif } __Insert Horizontal Ruler__ Will insert __ -~045~- __. See __((Wiki-Syntax Separators))__
** {img src=images//ed_custom.gif } __Insert Heading__ Will insert a __!text__ / replace __text__ with the text desired for the header (should be at the beginning of a line). See __((Wiki-Syntax Separators))__
** {img src=images//ed_link.gif } __Insert External Link__ / Will insert __ ~091~http:/~047~example.com|text~093~__ / replace http:/~047~example.com with any URL and text with a description to be displayed. See __((Wiki-Syntax Links)) __
** {img src=images//book.gif } __Insert Dynamic Variable__ / Will insert __ ~037~text~037~ __ / replace __text__ with the name of a variable used on the page. When saved, the word __NaV__ will be displayed - clicking on it will allow the value to be changed. See the __((Advanced Wiki Syntax usage examples)) __ page
** {img src=images//book.gif } __Insert Dynamic Content__ / Will insert __{content id= }__ / add  See __((Dynamic Content)) __
** {img src=images//fontfamily.gif } __Colored Text__ / Will insert __~126~~126~#FF0000:text~126~~126~__ / replace __FF0000__ with a HTML color number and __text__ with the text that you want colored. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text))__
** {img src=images//ed_align_center.gif } __Center Text__ Will insert __~058~~058~text~058~~058~__ / replace __text__ with the text that you want centered. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text))__
** {img src=images//ed_about.gif  } __Insert Box__ Will insert __~136~text~136~__ / replace __text__ with the text you want inside the box. See __((Wiki-Syntax Separators))__
** {img src=images//ed_format_bold.gif } __Bold Text__ Will insert __~095~~095~text~095~~095~__ / replace __text__ with the text to be made bold. See __((Wiki-Syntax Text)) __
** {img src=images//ed_charmap.gif } __Insert Special Characters__ / Causes a Popup to be loaded for easy selection of some special characters.
^ ::{img src=img/wiki_up//Wiki-Page-Editor-SpeChar.png}:: ^
This does not provide access to every special character however. For a complete listing, see __((Wiki-Syntax Special Characters))__
* __Categories__ If defined by Admin, it is possible to provide categories for the page. A typical set of categories might be:
## __To Do__
## __In Progress__
## __Finished__
## __Approved__
## __Obsolete__
* __Apply Template__ If defined, templates can save you a lot of work and help to standardize Wiki pages. A template should be applied before any content is added to the page. When applied, any content on the page is lost. See __((Content Templates))__
* __Smileys__ adds the indicated Smiley to the page.
* __Description__ a description is displayed (if configured) at the top of the page directly following the name of the page.
* __Edit__ this is where text, Wiki syntax and HTML code can be added. A Wiki page can look like - well - anything you want it to look like. See the associated pages on Wiki Syntax.
** {img src=img/icons2//enlargeH.gif } __Enlarge Edit Area Horizontally__
** {img src=img/icons2//reduceH.gif } __Reduce Edit Area Horizontally__
** {img src=img/icons2//reduceW.gif } __Reduce Edit Areas Width__
** {img src=img/icons2//enlargeW.gif } __Enlarge Edit Areas Width__
* __Footnotes__
* __Comment__
* __Allow HTML Checkbox__ HTML tags are allowed on the page if checked. If not, they are ignored.
* __Spellcheck Checkbox __ if checked and Spellchecking is enabled, misspelled words are shown in Red during preview. See __((Spellcheck User))__
* __Import Page__ allows a text file to be imported.
* __Upload Picture__ allows an image file to be uploaded to the __img/wiki_up__ directory and then displayed. See __((Wiki-Syntax Images))__ 
* __Cache__ Defines how the page will be handled. Only Wiki pages that are slow to load and unlikely to change should be cached.
* __Preview__ Reloads the page with the changes displayed above the editor.
* __Minor Check Box__ If checked, the history data is not saved when the page is saved.
* __Save & Cancel Edit__ do exactly that.

!! Wiki Quick Help
The image below shows the Wiki Quick Help screen:
^ ::{img src=img/wiki_up//Wiki-Page-Editor-Help1.png}:: ^



Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo Update page with new screenshots 29
Marc Laporte Looks good now 28
Josue Zirimwabagabo 27
Josue Zirimwabagabo 26
Josue Zirimwabagabo 25
Yves Kipondo 24
pianoliv status: review 23
tinomartinez 22
rbelanger 21
rbelanger Plugin modified by editor. 20
Marc Laporte 19
dominoconsultant spelling correction - my first contribution 18
Jürgen Heckes 17
colorado 16
colorado 15
Jean-Michel Juzan 14
StarRider 13
StarRider 7
StarRider 5
StarRider 4
StarRider 3
StarRider 2