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History: Wiki-Syntax Text

Source of version: 98

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            ! Wiki-Syntax Text
On this page, you'll learn how to format text on Wiki pages and other areas that support ((Wiki)) formatting (including articles, forums, and blogs).

!! The Markup Language Wiki-Syntax
The markup language used on a Wiki page is most commonly called Wiki Syntax. It uses common characters in uncommon ways (or character combinations that are not normally used together) and provides them with a special meaning. Some of the character combinations only work at the beginning of a line, while others can be inserted anywhere in the text and are active until they are turned off.

Wiki-Syntax uses a character repeated twice for most functions, but it also has a few 2-character combinations. With a 2-character combination, the characters are reversed when the function is turned off. MonoSpaced Text provides a good example of this; the Minus (-) and Plus (+) characters are used to start the using MonoSpaced Text and a Plus (+) and Minus (-) characters specify the end of it.

The following sections explain most of this.

!! Quick Reference - Basic Text Formatting

{FANCYTABLE(head=> __Desired Formatting__ ~|~ __Syntax__ ~|~ __Result__ ~|~ __Since__)}
Bold ~|~ ~np~__text__~/np~ ~|~ __text__ ~|~
Centered ~|~ ~np~::text::~/np~ ~|~ ::text:: ~|~
Color Font ~|~~np~~~blue:text~~~/np~ ~|~ ~~blue:text~~ ~|~
Italic ~|~ ~np~''text''~/np~ = -+~np~''text''~/np~+- ~|~ ''text'' ~|~
Monospaced ~|~ ~np~-+text+-~/np~ ~|~ -+text+- ~|~
Underlined ~|~ ~np~===text===~/np~ ~|~ ===text=== ~|~
Text box ~|~ ~np~^text^~/np~ ~|~ ^text^ ~|~
Deleted ~|~ ~np~--text--~/np~ ~|~ --text-- ~|~ 3.0
Display syntax ~|~ ~126~~110~~112~~126~~np~__not bold__~/np~~126~~47~~110~~112~~126~ ~|~ ~np~__not bold__~/np~ ~|~

!! Toggle textarea with headline + / -

''(click the [+]to open)''
!!!- Hidden by default 
Text text text text
Text text text text
Text text text text

!!!+ Visible by default 
''(click the [-]to close)''
Text text text text
Text text text text
Text text text text

Hint: enclose the [+] and [-] in np (noparse) tags when using - they cannot be shown here in the CODE Plugin, as noparse tags conflict with the CODE Plugin


creates this: 

~np~''(click the [+]to open)''~/np~ 
!!!- Hidden by default 
Text text text text
Text text text text
Text text text text

!!!+ Visible by default 
~np~''(click the [+]to close)''~/np~ 
Text text text text
Text text text text
Text text text text

!! Basic Text Formatting
The Wiki-Syntax given in this section can be located anywhere in the text so that specific characters, words, or sentences can be emphasized.

!!! Color Font
Text can be any color you want it to be. Two Tildes (~) are used followed by the name of a color and a Colon (:) to specify the start of the Colored Text. Two other Tildes (~) are used to end the Colored Text.

^ Example: ~np~~~red:This text is Red~~~/np~ produces:
~~red:This text is Red~~ ^

Color font can also be specified using HTML colors. HTML colors use 3 pairs of Hex numbers; one for Red, Blue, & Green so that 00 00 00 would produce white. The syntax is two Tildes (~) followed by the Pound (#) character and the Hex Numbers with a Colon (:) followed by the text to be colored. Two Tildes (~) mark the end of the Colored Text.

^ Example: ~np~~~#ff00ff:This text is the color Magenta ~~~/np~ produces:
~~#ff00ff:This text is the color Magenta ~~ ^

As of 3.0, the syntax was enhanced to also support background color changing.
^ Example: ~np~~~blue,yellow:This text is blue with yellow background~~~/np~ 
~~blue,yellow:This text is blue with yellow background~~^
''(click the ~np~[+]~/np~ to open)''
!!!- Web-Safe HTML Colors
Courtesy of Damosoft Web Design
|| | :: Color Name:: | :: Color HEX :: | :: - Colored Text - :: |
| AliceBlue| ::#F0F8FF:: | ~~#F0F8FF:Colored Text~~ |
| AntiqueWhite| ::#FAEBD7:: | ~~#FAEBD7:Colored Text~~ |
| Aqua| ::#00FFFF:: | ~~#00FFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| Aquamarine| ::#7FFFD4:: | ~~#7FFFD4:Colored Text~~ |
| Azure| ::#F0FFFF:: | ~~#F0FFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| Beige| ::#F5F5DC:: | ~~#F5F5DC:Colored Text~~ |
| Bisque| ::#FFE4C4:: | ~~#FFE4C4:Colored Text~~ |
| Black| ::#000000:: | ~~#000000:Colored Text~~ |
| BlanchedAlmond| ::#FFEBCD:: | ~~#FFEBCD:Colored Text~~ |
| Blue| ::#0000FF:: | ~~#0000FF:Colored Text~~ |
| BlueViolet| ::#8A2BE2:: | ~~#8A2BE2:Colored Text~~ |
| Brown| ::#A52A2A:: | ~~#A52A2A:Colored Text~~ |
| BurlyWood| ::#DEB887:: | ~~#DEB887:Colored Text~~ |
| CadetBlue| ::#5F9EA0:: | ~~#5F9EA0:Colored Text~~ |
| Chartreuse| ::#7FFF00:: | ~~#7FFF00:Colored Text~~ |
| Chocolate| ::#D2691E:: | ~~#D2691E:Colored Text~~ |
| Coral| ::#FF7F50:: | ~~#FF7F50:Colored Text~~ |
| CornflowerBlue| ::#6495ED:: | ~~#6495ED:Colored Text~~ |
| Cornsilk| ::#FFF8DC:: | ~~#FFF8DC:Colored Text~~ |
| Crimson| ::#DC143C:: | ~~#DC143C:Colored Text~~ |
| Cyan| ::#00FFFF:: | ~~#00FFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkBlue| ::#00008B:: | ~~#00008B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkCyan| ::#008B8B:: | ~~#008B8B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkGoldenRod| ::#B8860B:: | ~~#B8860B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkGray| ::#A9A9A9:: | ~~#A9A9A9:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkGreen| ::#006400:: | ~~#006400:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkKhaki| ::#BDB76B:: | ~~#BDB76B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkMagenta| ::#8B008B:: | ~~#8B008B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkOliveGreen| ::#556B2F:: | ~~#556B2F:Colored Text~~ |
| Darkorange| ::#FF8C00:: | ~~#FF8C00:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkOrchid| ::#9932CC:: | ~~#9932CC:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkRed| ::#8B0000:: | ~~#8B0000:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkSalmon| ::#E9967A:: | ~~#E9967A:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkSeaGreen| ::#8FBC8F:: | ~~#8FBC8F:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkSlateBlue| ::#483D8B:: | ~~#483D8B:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkSlateGray| ::#2F4F4F:: | ~~#2F4F4F:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkTurquoise| ::#00CED1:: | ~~#00CED1:Colored Text~~ |
| DarkViolet| ::#9400D3:: | ~~#9400D3:Colored Text~~ |
| DeepPink| ::#FF1493:: | ~~#FF1493:Colored Text~~ |
| DeepSkyBlue| ::#00BFFF:: | ~~#00BFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| DimGray| ::#696969:: | ~~#696969:Colored Text~~ |
| DodgerBlue| ::#1E90FF:: | ~~#1E90FF:Colored Text~~ |
| Feldspar| ::#D19275:: | ~~#D19275:Colored Text~~ |
| FireBrick| ::#B22222:: | ~~#B22222:Colored Text~~ |
| FloralWhite| ::#FFFAF0:: | ~~#FFFAF0:Colored Text~~ |
| ForestGreen| ::#228B22:: | ~~#228B22:Colored Text~~ |
| Fuchsia| ::#FF00FF:: | ~~#FF00FF:Colored Text~~ |
| Gainsboro| ::#DCDCDC:: | ~~#DCDCDC:Colored Text~~ |
| GhostWhite| ::#F8F8FF:: | ~~#F8F8FF:Colored Text~~ |
| Gold| ::#FFD700:: | ~~#FFD700:Colored Text~~ |
| GoldenRod| ::#DAA520:: | ~~#DAA520:Colored Text~~ |
| Gray| ::#808080:: | ~~#808080:Colored Text~~ |
| Green| ::#008000:: | ~~#008000:Colored Text~~ |
| GreenYellow| ::#ADFF2F:: | ~~#ADFF2F:Colored Text~~ |
| HoneyDew| ::#F0FFF0:: | ~~#F0FFF0:Colored Text~~ |
| HotPink| ::#FF69B4:: | ~~#FF69B4:Colored Text~~ |
| IndianRed | ::#CD5C5C:: | ~~#CD5C5C:Colored Text~~ |
| Indigo | ::#4B0082:: | ~~#4B0082:Colored Text~~ |
| Ivory| ::#FFFFF0:: | ~~#FFFFF0:Colored Text~~ |
| Khaki| ::#F0E68C:: | ~~#F0E68C:Colored Text~~ |
| Lavender| ::#E6E6FA:: | ~~#E6E6FA:Colored Text~~ |
| LavenderBlush| ::#FFF0F5:: | ~~#FFF0F5:Colored Text~~ |
| LawnGreen| ::#7CFC00:: | ~~#7CFC00:Colored Text~~ |
| LemonChiffon| ::#FFFACD:: | ~~#FFFACD:Colored Text~~ |
| LightBlue| ::#ADD8E6:: | ~~#ADD8E6:Colored Text~~ |
| LightCoral| ::#F08080:: | ~~#F08080:Colored Text~~ |
| LightCyan| ::#E0FFFF:: | ~~#E0FFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| LightGoldenRodYellow| ::#FAFAD2:: | ~~#FAFAD2:Colored Text~~ |
| LightGrey| ::#D3D3D3:: | ~~#D3D3D3:Colored Text~~ |
| LightGreen| ::#90EE90:: | ~~#90EE90:Colored Text~~ |
| LightPink| ::#FFB6C1:: | ~~#FFB6C1:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSalmon| ::#FFA07A:: | ~~#FFA07A:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSeaGreen| ::#20B2AA:: | ~~#20B2AA:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSkyBlue| ::#87CEFA:: | ~~#87CEFA:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSlateBlue| ::#8470FF:: | ~~#8470FF:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSlateGray| ::#778899:: | ~~#778899:Colored Text~~ |
| LightSteelBlue| ::#B0C4DE:: | ~~#B0C4DE:Colored Text~~ |
| LightYellow| ::#FFFFE0:: | ~~#FFFFE0:Colored Text~~ |
| Lime| ::#00FF00:: | ~~#00FF00:Colored Text~~ |
| LimeGreen| ::#32CD32:: | ~~#32CD32:Colored Text~~ |
| Linen| ::#FAF0E6:: | ~~#FAF0E6:Colored Text~~ |
| Magenta| ::#FF00FF:: | ~~#FF00FF:Colored Text~~ |
| Maroon| ::#800000:: | ~~#800000:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumAquaMarine| ::#66CDAA:: | ~~#66CDAA:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumBlue| ::#0000CD:: | ~~#0000CD:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumOrchid| ::#BA55D3:: | ~~#BA55D3:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumPurple| ::#9370D8:: | ~~#9370D8:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumSeaGreen| ::#3CB371:: | ~~#3CB371:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumSlateBlue| ::#7B68EE:: | ~~#7B68EE:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumSpringGreen| ::#00FA9A:: | ~~#00FA9A:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumTurquoise| ::#48D1CC:: | ~~#48D1CC:Colored Text~~ |
| MediumVioletRed| ::#C71585:: | ~~#C71585:Colored Text~~ |
| MidnightBlue| ::#191970:: | ~~#191970:Colored Text~~ |
| MintCream| ::#F5FFFA:: | ~~#F5FFFA:Colored Text~~ |
| MistyRose| ::#FFE4E1:: | ~~#FFE4E1:Colored Text~~ |
| Moccasin| ::#FFE4B5:: | ~~#FFE4B5:Colored Text~~ |
| NavajoWhite| ::#FFDEAD:: | ~~#FFDEAD:Colored Text~~ |
| Navy| ::#000080:: | ~~#000080:Colored Text~~ |
| OldLace| ::#FDF5E6:: | ~~#FDF5E6:Colored Text~~ |
| Olive| ::#808000:: | ~~#808000:Colored Text~~ |
| OliveDrab| ::#6B8E23:: | ~~#6B8E23:Colored Text~~ |
| Orange| ::#FFA500:: | ~~#FFA500:Colored Text~~ |
| OrangeRed| ::#FF4500:: | ~~#FF4500:Colored Text~~ |
| Orchid| ::#DA70D6:: | ~~#DA70D6:Colored Text~~ |
| PaleGoldenRod| ::#EEE8AA:: | ~~#EEE8AA:Colored Text~~ |
| PaleGreen| ::#98FB98:: | ~~#98FB98:Colored Text~~ |
| PaleTurquoise| ::#AFEEEE:: | ~~#AFEEEE:Colored Text~~ |
| PaleVioletRed| ::#D87093:: | ~~#D87093:Colored Text~~ |
| PapayaWhip| ::#FFEFD5:: | ~~#FFEFD5:Colored Text~~ |
| PeachPuff| ::#FFDAB9:: | ~~#FFDAB9:Colored Text~~ |
| Peru| ::#CD853F:: | ~~#CD853F:Colored Text~~ |
| Pink| ::#FFC0CB:: | ~~#FFC0CB:Colored Text~~ |
| Plum| ::#DDA0DD:: | ~~#DDA0DD:Colored Text~~ |
| PowderBlue| ::#B0E0E6:: | ~~#B0E0E6:Colored Text~~ |
| Purple| ::#800080:: | ~~#800080:Colored Text~~ |
| Red| ::#FF0000:: | ~~#FF0000:Colored Text~~ |
| RosyBrown| ::#BC8F8F:: | ~~#BC8F8F:Colored Text~~ |
| RoyalBlue| ::#4169E1:: | ~~#4169E1:Colored Text~~ |
| SaddleBrown| ::#8B4513:: | ~~#8B4513:Colored Text~~ |
| Salmon| ::#FA8072:: | ~~#FA8072:Colored Text~~ |
| SandyBrown| ::#F4A460:: | ~~#F4A460:Colored Text~~ |
| SeaGreen| ::#2E8B57:: | ~~#2E8B57:Colored Text~~ |
| SeaShell| ::#FFF5EE:: | ~~#FFF5EE:Colored Text~~ |
| Sienna| ::#A0522D:: | ~~#A0522D:Colored Text~~ |
| Silver| ::#C0C0C0:: | ~~#C0C0C0:Colored Text~~ |
| SkyBlue| ::#87CEEB:: | ~~#87CEEB:Colored Text~~ |
| SlateBlue| ::#6A5ACD:: | ~~#6A5ACD:Colored Text~~ |
| SlateGray| ::#708090:: | ~~#708090:Colored Text~~ |
| Snow| ::#FFFAFA:: | ~~#FFFAFA:Colored Text~~ |
| SpringGreen| ::#00FF7F:: | ~~#00FF7F:Colored Text~~ |
| SteelBlue| ::#4682B4:: | ~~#4682B4:Colored Text~~ |
| Tan| ::#D2B48C:: | ~~#D2B48C:Colored Text~~ |
| Teal| ::#008080:: | ~~#008080:Colored Text~~ |
| Thistle| ::#D8BFD8:: | ~~#D8BFD8:Colored Text~~ |
| Tomato| ::#FF6347:: | ~~#FF6347:Colored Text~~ |
| Turquoise| ::#40E0D0:: | ~~#40E0D0:Colored Text~~ |
| Violet| ::#EE82EE:: | ~~#EE82EE:Colored Text~~ |
| VioletRed| ::#D02090:: | ~~#D02090:Colored Text~~ |
| Wheat| ::#F5DEB3:: | ~~#F5DEB3:Colored Text~~ |
| White| ::#FFFFFF:: | ~~#FFFFFF:Colored Text~~ |
| WhiteSmoke| ::#F5F5F5:: | ~~#F5F5F5:Colored Text~~ |
| Yellow| ::#FFFF00:: | ~~#FFFF00:Colored Text~~ |
| YellowGreen| ::#9ACD32:: | ~~#9ACD32:Colored Text~~ ||

{icon name=warning} Not all Color Names are valid in all Browsers, so to be on the safe side, it is useually best to use the HTML number by default. If these colors do not meet your requirements, see the link at the bottom of the page for the Color Picker II.

!!! Bold Text
Two Underscore (_) characters are used to make text Bold.

^Example: -+~np~__This Text is Bold__~/np~+- produces:
__This Text is Bold__^

!!! Italic Text
Two Single Quote (') characters are used to make text Italic.

^Example: ~np~''This Text is Italic''~/np~ produces:
''This Text is Italic''^

!!! Underlined Text
Three Equal (=) characters are used to underline text.

^Example: ~np~===This Text is Underlined===~/np~ produces:
===This Text is Underlined===^

!!!Strikethrough text
^Example: %%% __~np~--This text uses strikethrough--~/np~__ %%% produces: %%% --This text uses strikethrough--.^

---(version 2.x)---
Use the ~np~{TAG}~/np~ plugin.

^Example: %%% ~np~{TAG(tag=>strike)}This text uses strikethrough{TAG}~/np~ %%% produces: %%% {TAG(tag=>strike)}This text uses strikethrough{TAG}.^

!!! Centered Text
Two Colon (:) characters are used to Center text. The Centered Text can be centered within a Box, a Table, or almost anything else.

^Example: ~np~::This Text is Centered::~/np~ produces:
::This Text is Centered::^

!!! Monospaced Text for Code
Monospaced Text is useful when displaying Code and can be created in two ways. The easiest is to start a new line with one or more spaces. The Minus (-) and Plus (+) character combination can also be used to specify a Monospaced Text. See also ((PluginMono)) for another way to apply the Monospace font.

^Example: ~np~-+This Text uses a Monospaced Font+-~/np~ produces:
-+This Text uses a Monospaced Font+- ^
{img src="img/icons/book_open.png"} ''If using a Monospaced Font, be sure to keep the line length short. If the lines are too long, they will push the right column out of the browser display area.''
(:exclaim:) ''The Leading Space Monospaced Font is disabled on many sites.''

!!!Superscript and subscript
Use the ~np~{TAG}~/np~ plugin (also see ((PluginTag))).

^Example: %%% __~np~This text is {TAG(tag=>sup)}super{TAG} script.~/np~__ %%% produces: %%% This text is {TAG(tag=>sup)}super{TAG} script.

__~np~This text is {TAG(tag=>sub)}sub{TAG} script.~/np~__ 
This text is {TAG(tag=>sub)}sub{TAG} script.

{img src="img/icons/book_open.png"} ''Another alternative is to use the ~np~{SUB}~/np~ and ~np~{SUP}~/np~ plugins which are documented at ((PluginSub)) and ((PluginSup)).''

!!!Text box
Apply one caret at the start and end of the text to be in a box.

Example: ~np~^This Text is in a box^~/np~ produces:

^This Text is in a box^

NOTE: This CSS style is called "simplebox" and may look different or may not exist, depending on your theme CSS.

!!! Plain Text
To turn off tiki formatting, surround your text with 'np' a.k.a. 'no processing' tags

Example: ~126~~110~~112~~126~~np~This ''text'' is __not__ being ===formatted===~/np~~126~~47~~110~~112~~126~ produces:

~np~This ''text'' is __not__ being ===formatted===~/np~

NOTE: np tags cannot be used within an np block. To display an unprocessed ~126~~110~~112~~126~ tag, escape all the characters (not just the tildes) while in normal processing mode:

~126~126~126~~126~110~126~~126~112~126~~126~126~126~ produces: ~126~~110~~112~~126~
~126~126~126~~126~47~126~~126~110~126~~126~112~126~~126~126~126~ produces: ~126~~47~~110~~112~~126~

!!! Headings
Headings are formed by starting the line with one, two, or three exclamation marks ("!", "!!", or  "!!!").

^ Note regarding customizing the appearance of headings: If you need to change the CSS property of a heading in the wikitext (by editing the theme stylesheet), be aware that a heading labeled "h1" (made with one exclamation point) is actually an HTML h2 heading, h2 is actually an HTML h3, and so on.

This is because, consistent with semantic layout, there should be only one h1 heading on a page, so in Tiki h1 is reserved for the page title. Although it may seem confusing to map the heading sizes down one level this way, it was decided as better than labeling the wikitext headings something like h2 to h5, with h1 apparently missing.

So to change the appearance of a wikipage's "h2" headings for example, actually it is the h3 selector in the stylesheet that needs to be edited (or .wikitext h3, if the theme has rules for wikitext headings in addition to default heading rules).^
!!! Numbered Headings
In tiki 2.0 and above, you can create numbered headings using a combination of the ! and # characters
* !# My Heading will produce "1.0 My Heading"
* !!# My Secondary Heading will produce "1.1 My Secondary Heading"
* !!!# My Tertiary Heading will produce "1.1.1 My Tertiary Heading"
See: ((Headings))

!!!LineBreak (forced)
Basic WIKI markup language doesn't include "linebreak" element.
Nevertheless, with Tiki you can use a special command to force linebreaks into a text :
line break code (~np~%%%~/np~), like so:
~np~;:text %%% text %%% text~/np~
will look like this: 
;:text %%% text %%% text
Note: There must be printable text after the linebreak.  A space is not sufficient to introduce a blank line.
Indent is formed by the combination of the ; and : characters. ; must appear at the beginning of a line and : must appear between introduction text and the indented text. The introduction text portion is useful for forming definition type indention like Example 1 below. However, the introduction text can be eliminated by simply including ;: together followed by the text as shown in Example 2.

^Example 1:
~np~;Intro Text: First example of indented text~/np~
;Intro Text: First example of indented text
Example 2:
~np~;:2nd example of indented text~/np~
;:2nd example of indented text^

!! Using Square Brackets
If you wish to include square brackets in your text (i.e. as regular text and not a link) simply add an additional open bracket to start. E.g.

[[[this would not be a link]

Would render like this...

[[this would not be a link]

!! Non-breaking space
Use ~np~ ~hs~ ~/np~ to add the HTML " " for a~hs~non-breaking space.

!!!Wiki Comments
;~126~~116~~99~~126~ this is a tiki comment ~126~~47~~116~~99~~126~: Will be kept in the Wiki source file but not seen when the HTML page is generated or HTML page source is viewed.
!!!HTML Comments
;~np~ ~hc~ this is an HTML comment ~/hc~ ~/np~: Will be kept in the Wiki source file and will generate an HTML comment of the form ^~np~<!-- this is an HTML comment -->~/np~^ An HTML comment will not be seen when the page is viewed but will be seen when the HTML page source is viewed.

!! Displaying code
You enter code blocks by enclosing the block between {CODE()}{CODE()} and {CODE}{CODE}.
This is a WikiPlugin, which extends the WikiSyntax.

!! To Indent a Text Block
You can use the div module if it's enabled like so:


Will result in:


!! Useful Links
* The Color Picker II is located at [http://www.pagetutor.com/colorpicker/index.html]
* [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/|Web-Developer] extension for [http://firefox.com/|Mozilla Firefox]
* The wiki syntax is not standardized across applications. There is an initiative to publish the Wiki-Syntax as an RFC from the [http://www.ietf.org/|IETF]. See [http://tikiwiki.org/RFCWiki|RFCWiki].


Information Version
Marc Laporte v3 is too long ago 99
drsassafras 98
drsassafras changed non-working indentation information 97
drsassafras spelling and grammar 96
drsassafras fixed broken images 95
Yves Kipondo 94
godbout correct the explanation of wiki comment (because it was a comment, therefore it was not showing up LOL) 93
luciash d' being 🧙 Mass search and replace 92
luciash d' being 🧙 Mass search and replace 91
David Carter 90
David Carter 89
David Carter Updated useful links 88
Torsten Fabricius 87
Torsten Fabricius 86
Torsten Fabricius 85
Torsten Fabricius added toggle text with headline +/- 84
jpurssey Add line about text required after %%% in forced LineBreak 83
drsassafras Formatting enhancement 82
drsassafras Made more clear block quote options 81
pianoliv no parse > twice 80
Frank Guthausen howto italic: confusion mitigation 79
Marc Laporte looks like what not converted well (UTF-8 trouble) 78
Torsten Fabricius added noparse, reviewed {CODE()}, did typo 77
Torsten Fabricius 76
RandyH Fixed formatting error: table end in color text; cleanup in indent and comment wording; dogfood errors in Strikethrough and FancyTables (correctable?) 75
lindon Delete bogus links 74
haitrinh1592 73
haitrinh1592 72
louis2609 71
lindon 70
Bernard TREMBLAY mistyping on previous update 68
Bernard TREMBLAY Introduce linebreak(forced by %%% as a syntax element) level !!! 67
Gary Cunningham-Lee HTML made uppercase. 66
Gary Cunningham-Lee Note about mapping of heading sizes 65
lindon 64
meta4r 63
thebookdoc 62
thebookdoc 61
thebookdoc 60
thebookdoc 59
thebookdoc 58
thebookdoc 57
thebookdoc 56
Marc Laporte 55
Marc Laporte 54
lindon 53
lindon 52
lindon 51
lindon 50
lindon 49
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