History: elFinder
Preview of version: 19
This is an optional file gallery manager for end users included in Tiki which allows managing files in Trackers and File Galleries, as a "Finder view", in the new drop-down box to select views in each File Galleries. ElFinder features enhanced drag and drop functionality.
Drag & Drop in Tiki
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elFinder is an open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery UI. As you can see its creation is inspired by simplicity and convenience of Finder program used in Mac OS X operating system.
- All operations with files and folders on a remote server (copy, move,upload, create folder/file, rename, etc.)
- High performance server beckend and light client
- Background file upload with Drag & Drop support
- Standart methods of file/group selection using mouse or keyboard
- Rich context menu and toolbar
- List and Icons view
- Shortcuts
- Move/Copy files with Drag & Drop
- Archives create/extract (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2)
- Preview for common file types
- Edit text files and resize images
- "Places" for your favorites
- Calculate directory sizes
- Thumbnails for image files
- Quicklook
- Easy to integrate with web editors (elRTE, CKEditor, TinyMCE)
- Flexible configuration of access rights, upload file types, user interface and other
- Extensibility
- Simple client-server API based on JSON
How to use it
Once the feaure "elFinder" is enabled sitewide in the admin panel for File Galleries, then you will have the option to choose Finder view in each file gallery:
You will also be able to set the new "Finder view" as the default one per file gallery, through the interface to change the "display properties":
The elFinder view allow you have many contextual actions if you right click with the mouse pointer on a file:
Moreover, you will be able to drag and drop files from one file gallery to others:
And you will be able also to drag some files from your local desktop in your own computer, and drop them inside the file gallery of your choice:
Last, you will be able to display files in a detailed view, sort them by many criteria, like by file types:
Installation tips
- If you want to be able to Browse for an existing file, instead of uploading a new file, when using the Files field in a tracker then you will need to install elFinder.
- If when you first try to use elFinder you get the following two error messages in a pop-up box:
These errors probably mean that the 'root' gallery for the site is not #1 but some other number for some historic/site reworking reason. To check just hover over the top-level 'File Galleries' link in the breadcrumb list at the top of a normal File gallery listing to see which Id is being used. To fix this another record needs to be added to the tiki_preferences table in the database - which needs to be done by direct/manual access to the database since there is not an admin panel option to do this (yet!). The new name to be inserted into the table is fgal_root_id and it should be set to whatever is the gallery Id of your site's File gallery root.