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History: elFinder

Source of version: 3

Copy to clipboard
            ! {{page}}

This is a new optional file gallery manager for end users included in Tiki initially in ((Tiki10)), extended in ((Tiki11)). elFinder is intended to replace the previous file gallery manager in ((Tiki12)). 

!! Drag & Drop in Tiki
{flash type="url" movie="display797" width="1158" height="496"}

      _ ______ _           _           
     | |  ____(_)         | |          
  ___| | |__   _ _ __   __| | ___ _ __ 
 / _ \ |  __| | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
|  __/ | |    | | | | | (_| |  __/ |   
 \___|_|_|    |_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|   

elFinder is an open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery UI. As you can see its creation is inspired by simplicity and convenience of Finder program used in Mac OS X operating system.

!! Features
* All operations with files and folders on a remote server (copy, move,upload, create folder/file, rename, etc.)
* High performance server beckend and light client
* Background file upload with Drag & Drop support
* Standart methods of file/group selection using mouse or keyboard
* Rich context menu and toolbar
* List and Icons view
* Shortcuts
* Move/Copy files with Drag & Drop
* Archives create/extract (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2)
* Preview for common file types
* Edit text files and resize images
* "Places" for your favorites
* Calculate directory sizes
* Thumbnails for image files
* Quicklook
* Easy to integrate with web editors (elRTE, CKEditor, TinyMCE)
* Flexible configuration of access rights, upload file types, user interface and other
* Extensibility
* Simple client-server API based on JSON

!! Requirements
# Client
** Modern browser. elFinder was tested in Firefox 5, Internet Explorer 8+, Safari 5, Opera 11 and Chrome 12
# Server
** Any web server
** PHP (for thumbnails - mogrify utility or GD/Imagick module)

!! Links
* Support: http://elfinder.org
* Wiki://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/wiki



Information Version
Marc Laporte 21
Marc Laporte 20
Marc Laporte 19
Marc Laporte 18
Geoff Brickell 17
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Remove outdated flash plugin 16
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 15
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added in content exit links 14
drsassafras removing more legacy info. All requirements meet general tiki requirements. 13
drsassafras Removed legacy info 12
Marc Laporte 11
Jean-Marc Libs 10
Marc Laporte When people don't respect their commitments, it has a cascading effect 9
Marc Laporte 8
Xavier de Pedro typo 7
lindon 6
Xavier de Pedro 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
Xavier de Pedro added to the full documentation structure 3
Xavier de Pedro is that appropriate for our own doc page? Just in case, I add it... 2
Marc Laporte 1