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History: module cookiesettings

Preview of version: 1

Module Cookie Consent Settings

This module allows users to change their cookie consent preferences.


This module requires cookie_consent_feature. This is how to use the Cookie Consent Settings module in a wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="cookiesettings"}


Allows users to change their cookie consent preferences.

Go to the source code
Preferences required: cookie_consent_feature

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
class word Class of the container div. Default "p-2 bg-dark"
icon word Icon to show on the link. Default "cog"
iconsize word Size of icon. Default "2"
mode word Display mode, text, icon or both. Default "icon"
corner word Position on the page, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright or none. Default "bottomleft"
text text Text to show on the link and tooltip. Default "Cookie Consent Settings"
textclass word Class of the text or icon. Default "text-light"


In the example below we pass in a wiki page the module cookiesettings through the plugin module.
If you encounter this alert:

Click to expand
Click to expand

just go ahead and activate the cookie_consent_feature feature in the admin panel

So, this code:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="cookiesettings"}

Produces on this site:

 Failed to execute "cookiesettings" module
Required features: cookie_consent_feature. If you do not have permission to activate these features, ask the site administrator.


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo 4
Josue Zirimwabagabo 3
Josue Zirimwabagabo 2
Josue Zirimwabagabo 1