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Example of Contribution Types table

Example of table of contribution types, used for production on some degrees at University of Barcelona, Spain. See http.//doc.tikiwiki.org/Contribution for more details
I Contribution type Description
Others (report) Other contribution type not listed in the menu at present (report which one to teachers)
Organizational aspects Proposals and other questions related to the organization of the work team, scheduling,....
Improvements in markup Improvements in markup, spelling, etc. (bear in mind that final document quality for printing (nicer tables, paginated table of contents, page markup...) will be performed at the end
Support requests Simple questions, help requests, etc. without too much making of previous information
Help partners Help group or course mates who asked questions, requested support, formulated doubts, etc. (group or course forum)
New information New information has been added to text or discussion
New hypotheses New hypothesis has been prepared from preexisting information, and possibly, some new information (if so, mark option ' New information ' also)
Elaborated questions and new routes to advance Elaborated questions and new ways to move forward in the work which they were not taken into account previously (not just simple questions or elementary requests of support)
Synthesis / making of information Synthesize or refine speech with preexisting information