Theme tab
Related Topics
- Overview
- Use this tab to select your Tiki theme and options, and other template configurations.
- To Access
- From the Look and Feel Admin page, click the Themes tab.
- Note
- You can obtain additional themes at
Option | Description | Default |
Site theme | The default theme for the site. Themes are bootstrap.css variants, including original Tiki themes as well as implementations of themes from For more information about Bootstrap, see Default | Custom theme by specifying URL | Amelia | BookStacked | Boosted | Business | Cerulean | Cosmo | Cyborg | Darkly | Darkroom | Darkshine | Feb12 | Fivealive-lite | Fivealive | Flatly | Greenvalley | Journal | Jqui | Lighty | Litera | Lumen | Lux | Materia | Minty | Morph | Neubrutiki | Ohia | Pulse | Quartz | Sandstone | Simplex | Sketchy | Slate | Solar | Spacelab | Strasa | Superhero ... |
Default |
Custom theme URL | Local or external URL of the custom Bootstrap-compatible CSS file to use. | None |
Site theme option | Supplemental style sheet for the selected theme None | akebi | grape | kiwi | lemon | orange | plum | raspberry | watermelon | akebi_classic | grape_classic | kiwi_classic | lemon_classic | orange_classic | plum_classic | raspberry_classic | watermelon_classic | blue | trontastic | bordered | light | shadows |
None |
Option theme includes main theme CSS | Don't include the main theme stylesheet because its contents are included in the option stylesheet. | Disabled |
Navbar background color | Select a dark or light navbar (containing horizontal menu, etc.), as styled by the theme. Dark | Light |
Light |
Users can change theme | Users can override the theme with this setting. | Enabled |
Available themes | Restrict available themes All | Default Bootstrap | Amelia | BookStacked | Boosted | Business | Cerulean | Cosmo | Cyborg | Darkly | Darkroom | Darkshine | Feb12 | Fivealive | Fivealive-lite | Fivealive-lite/akebi | Fivealive-lite/grape | Fivealive-lite/kiwi | Fivealive-lite/lemon | Fivealive-lite/orange | Fivealive-lite/plum | Fivealive-lite/raspberry | Fivealive-lite/watermelon | Fivealive/akebi | Fivealive/akebi_clas... |
None |
Group theme | Enable groups to each have their own visual theme. | Disabled |
Unified Admin Backend | Use modern layout for control panels. | Enabled |
Admin theme | Theme for the settings panels and other administration pages Site theme | Default | Amelia | BookStacked | Boosted | Business | Cerulean | Cosmo | Cyborg | Darkly | Darkroom | Darkshine | Feb12 | Fivealive-lite | Fivealive | Flatly | Greenvalley | Journal | Jqui | Lighty | Litera | Lumen | Lux | Materia | Minty | Morph | Neubrutiki | Ohia | Pulse | Quartz | Sandstone | Simplex | Sketchy | Slate | Solar | Spacelab | Strasa | Superhero | Thenews | Tikicorp... |
None |
Admin theme option | Supplemental style sheet for the selected theme None | akebi | grape | kiwi | lemon | orange | plum | raspberry | watermelon | akebi_classic | grape_classic | kiwi_classic | lemon_classic | orange_classic | plum_classic | raspberry_classic | watermelon_classic | blue | trontastic | bordered | light | shadows |
None |
Admin navbar background color | Select a dark or light navbar (containing horizontal menu, etc.), as styled by the theme. Dark | Light |
Dark |
Admin navbar icon | Icon (logo) that displays in the admin pages navbar. (Set the overall site logo using the logo module on tiki-admin_modules.php). Recommended image height: 32 pixels, or legible when scaled down to that size |
img/tiki/tikilogo_icon.png |
Icons | Icon set used by the site. Bootstrap icon font | Default (Font-awesome) | Legacy (pre Tiki14) icons | Icons of the displayed theme |
Default (Font-awesome) |
jQuery UI theme | jQuery UI theme. Used in some modal popups and in the TikiSheet feature, etc. None | black-tie | blitzer | cupertino | dark-hive | dot-luv | eggplant | excite-bike | flick | hot-sneaks | humanity | le-frog | mint-choc | overcast | pepper-grinder | redmond | smoothness | south-street | start | sunny | swanky-purse | trontastic | ui-darkness | ui-lightness | vader |
Flick |
Theme Control | Assign different themes to various sections, categories, and objects. | Disabled |
Store session variable for current theme | Store a session variable for current theme so that it can be used for auto-selecting a category when categorizing | Disabled |
Parent category of theme control categories | Choose the parent category of categories used for theme control None | Archived (35) | Editorial Board Meeting (10) | Files example (13) | Keywords (12) | Retired (34) | Status (1) | 3.In Progress (4) | Templates (33) | Versions (14) | 1.x (15) | 10.x (24) | 11.x (25) | 12.x (26) | 13.x (27) | 14.x (28) | 15.x (29) | 16.x (30) | 17.x (31) | 18.x (32) | 2.x (16) | 3.x (17) | 4.x (18) | 5.x (19) | 6.x (20) | 7.x (21) | 8.x (22) | 9.x (23) |
Disabled |
Automatically select the theme-control category of the current theme when categorizing | When creating or editing an object, automatically select the category that matches the theme-control category of the current theme | Disabled |