Suggested edits for Windows Local Installation+EasyPHP
First I did sign up to help with documentation but I have not as yet figured out how to markup a page that is not a stub, or the process. I'll come back sometime in the future to help out but right now I need to focus on rebuilding a current client's site and need to get TikiWiki up and running for demo purposes.
Begin suggested edits
And after testing out EasyPHP over the past few days I'm finding WAMP server much easier to use, get set up and running with no errors.
Page reference:
Recommend the following be added:
Section: Step 2: Setup EasyPHP
Recommended change: For the link below it should be specified that this guide is for EasyPHP 1.8, AND what versions of MySQL, Apache and PHP it contains. I copied below what I feel should be added to the page.
Current text on page: link is an excellent guide on installation of EasyPHP
Suggested additional text to be added:
The EasyPHP v1.8 package for Windows includes the following:
* MySQL Database System - v4.1.9
* Apache Web Server - v1.3.33
* PHP Programming Language - v4.3.10
* PHP MyAdmin Database Interface - v2.6.1
Justification: As a brand new user I'm actually stepping through the process of setting up Apache, MySQL, PHP and eventually TikiWiki. It is essential knowledge that you select the right versions or you will, as I have, run into problems and early frustrations. The above link and guide are specifically for EasyPHP 1.8 and subsequent versions of EasyPHP are different.