History: MultiTiki
Preview of version: 11
Multiple Tikis on a Single Server
It is possible to have multiple Tikis on a single server. There are three major requirements that must be satisfied:
- Tiki must have an access to a separate database for each URL.
- Apache must know how to associate multiple URLs with the Tiki.
- You must create the necessary directories with the Tiki's main directory.
Create a separate database for each url.
- Each database will have a different name. In mysql, creating the databases is normally accomplished with the mysqladmin command. You may have permission to create the database, or you may have to ask a system administrator. To actually tell Tiki which database goes with which URL you have to edit one of Tiki's PHP files. The file db/local.php is designed for this purpose.
Configure Apache for multiple Tikis.
- Typically, each Tiki will be accessed by a separate URL through Apache. Generally, the URLs are specified as virtual hosts — often in VirtualHost stanzas within Apache's configuration file.
Create the necessary directories within Tiki's main directory.
- On a Unix system, the easiest way to create the new directories and set permissions is by specifing more than one tikidomain when you run setup.sh. You would run setup.sh with a command like:
./setup.sh apache apache 02755 domain1 domain2 domain3
Create the directories manually for Windows hosting.
You can add additional tikidomains after you have installed a single Tiki, but you will have to manually create the needed directories. If you are hosting on a Unix system, you will also need to manually set the ownership and permissions.
http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=RecipeMultiTiki has a detailed recipe tested under ))RedHat((, version 8 and version 9 and Yellow Dog Linux, version 3.0.
One problem that crops up with this approach is that the admins for the various tikis have the ability to overwrite each others changes to the css. Ordinary. users with the same login names on different tikis would also be able to overwrite each other's changes to css files.