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History: PluginGoogleAnalytics


Information Version
Marc Laporte 33
Marc Laporte Not in a list 32
Marc Laporte cleaner 31
Yves Kipondo 30
lindon 29
Marc Laporte 28
Marc Laporte Remarksbox along with numbering breaks the page 27
SteveH 26
Daniel Gauthier 25
Rodrigo Sampaio Primo Código Plugin modified by editor. 23
Rodrigo Sampaio Primo typo 22
Marc Laporte 21
E.W. Peter Jalajas fixed ga_exclude and added link 20
E.W. Peter Jalajas added set cookie to exclude admin hits even when not logged in 19
E.W. Peter Jalajas if can't get plugin to work 18
lindon fixed stray apostrophes causing problems with left column 17
E.W. Peter Jalajas add admin exclude 16
lindon fix include 15
lindon 14
lindon 13
E.W. Peter Jalajas reiterating not to put the UA- part of account number 12
lindon 11
lindon 10
Marc Laporte 9
Pascal St-Jean 8
Pascal St-Jean 7
Pascal St-Jean Plugin modified by editor. 6
Pascal St-Jean 5
stefbrodu {GOOGLEANALYTICS(account="UA-xxxxxx-x")}{GOOGLEANALYTICS} (as previously mentionned) does not work 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte draft 1