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History: PluginIframe

Preview of version: 16


Introduced in Tiki3

Use this Wiki Plugin to include the body of another web page in a wiki page.

Usage and Parameters

To use this plugin in a wiki page, use the syntax:

Copy to clipboard
{IFRAME(width="600" height="500" scrolling="auto")}tiki-print.php?page=Documentation{IFRAME}

Parameter Accepted values Default Effect Required? Since
src valid url none Address of the page that will be included. Can also put the address in the body of the plugin (between the IFRAME tags) instead of using this parameter. n
name text none Sets the name n
title text none Sets the title n
width number or pixels or percent none Sets the width of the frame n
height number or pixels or percent none Sets the height of the frame n
align top
none Aligns the frame n
frameborder 1 or 0 none n
marginheight yes
none Sets the margin height n
marginwidth number or pixels none Sets the margin width n
scrolling number or pixels none Set how scrolling will work for th frame n


This code,

Copy to clipboard
{IFRAME(height=500,width=600, scrolling=auto)}tiki-print.php?page=Documentation{IFRAME}

Would produce on this site:

To have scrolling only on the left, set the scrolling parameter to "auto" and set css to be: iframe body {overflow-x: hidden;}


Information Version
Benoit Grégoire 24
Benoit Grégoire 23
Benoit Grégoire 22
drsassafras remove legacy info 21
Yves Kipondo 20
Manasse Ngudia 19
Manasse Ngudia 18
lindon 17
Marc Laporte 16
lindon 15
lindon 14
lindon 13
lindon 12
Marc Laporte Iframe Plugin modified by editor. 10
lindon 9
lindon 8
lindon fix include 7
lindon 6
lindon 5
lindon 4
lindon 3
sylvie 2
sylvie 1