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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
trackerfield_action Action Create a form to be posted somewhere, not necessarily in a tracker or even at this Tiki site.
trackerfield_articles Articles Attach articles to the tracker item.
trackerfield_autoincrement Auto-Increment Enable an incrementing value field, or itemId field.
trackerfield_calendaritem Date and Time (Calendar Item) Associate calendar items with tracker items.
trackerfield_category Category Enable the tracker item to be categorized in one or more categories under the specified main category.
trackerfield_checkbox Checkbox Provide a checkbox field for yes/no, on/off input.
trackerfield_computed Computed Field Provide a computed value based on numeric field values. Consider using webservices or JavaScript to perform the task instead of using this field type.
trackerfield_countryselector Country Selector Enable a selection from a specified list of countries
trackerfield_currency Currency Field Provide a one-line field for numeric input only. Prepended or appended values may be alphanumeric.
trackerfield_datetime Date and Time Provide drop-down options to accurately select a date and/or time.
trackerfield_dropdown Dropdown Allow users to select only from a specified set of options
trackerfield_dropdownother Dropdown selector with "Other" field Allow users to select from a specified set of options or to enter an alternate option
trackerfield_dynamiclist Dynamic Items List Dynamically update a selection list based on linked data from another tracker.
trackerfield_email Email Enable an email address to be input with the option of making it active.
trackerfield_file Attachment Deprecated in favor of the Files field.
trackerfield_files Files Attached and upload files stored in the file galleries to the tracker item.
trackerfield_freetags Tags Allow tags to be shown or added for tracker items.
trackerfield_geographicfeature Geographic Feature Store a geographic feature on a map, allowing paths (LineString) and boundaries (Polygon) to be drawn on a map and saved.
trackerfield_groupselector Group Selector Allow a selection from a specified list of user groups.
trackerfield_header Header Display a heading between fields to delimit a section and allow visual folding of the fields.
trackerfield_icon Icon Provide the ability to select an image as an icon attached to the tracker item from the file galleries.
trackerfield_image Image Deprecated in favor of the Files field.
trackerfield_ingroup In Group Indicate if the user associated with the item is a member of a specified group.
trackerfield_ipaddress IP Selector IP address input field
trackerfield_itemlink Item Link Link to another item, similar to a foreign key
trackerfield_itemslist Items List Display a list of field values from another tracker that has a relation with this tracker.
trackerfield_jscalendar Date and Time (Date Picker) Provide a jQuery UI date picker to select a date and, optionally, a time.
trackerfield_kaltura Kaltura Video Display a series of attached Kaltura videos.
trackerfield_language Language Assign a language to the tracker item to enable multilingual trackers.
trackerfield_ldap LDAP Display a field value from a specific user in LDAP
trackerfield_location Location Enable a geographic location to be selected for the item and displayed on a map.
trackerfield_math Mathematical Calculation Perform a calculation upon saving the item based on other fields within the same item.
trackerfield_multiselect Multiselect Allow a user to select multiple values from a specified set of options
trackerfield_numeric Numeric Field Provide a one-line field for numeric input only. Prepended or appended values may be alphanumeric.
trackerfield_pageselector Page Selector Allow a selection from the list of pages.
trackerfield_radio Radio Buttons Allow users to select only from a specified set of options
trackerfield_rating Rating A rating of the tracker item. Permissions involved: tracker_vote_ratings, tracker_revote_ratings, tracker_view_ratings
trackerfield_relation Relations Allow arbitrary relations to be created between the trackers and other objects in the system.
trackerfield_showtikiorg show.tiki.org Create, display or manage show.tiki.org instances.
trackerfield_stars Stars (deprecated) Display a star rating
trackerfield_starsystem Stars (system - deprecated) Display a star rating
trackerfield_statictext Static Text Display the field description as static text to present notes or additional instructions.
trackerfield_subscription User Subscription Allow registered users to subscribe to a tracker item. Ideally, the item should only be editable by the creator or by administrators. Prepend the maximum amount of subscribers to the field value followed by # if such a limit is desired. For example, 50# means that 50 subscribers will be allowed for this item.
trackerfield_text Text Field Single-line text input
trackerfield_textarea Text Area Multi-line text input
trackerfield_url URL Create a link to a specified URL.
trackerfield_usergroups User Groups Display the list of groups for the user associated with the tracker items.
trackerfield_userpreference User Preference Allow user preference changes from a tracker.
trackerfield_userselector User Selector Allow the selection of a user or users from a list.
trackerfield_webservice Webservice Display the result of a registered webservice call.