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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
image_galleries_comments_per_page Default number of comments per page
image_responsive_class Default for img-fluid class used in the IMG plugin Default option for whether an image produced with the IMG plugin has the img-fluid class - a plugin parameter allows this to be overridden
intertiki_errfile Errors log file
intertiki_logfile Access log file
ip_can_be_checked IP can be checked Check anonymous votes by user's IP
javascript_assume_enabled Assume JavaScript is enabled even if not supported Assume JavaScript is enabled even if not supported, could be useful for load testing using tools like JMeter.
javascript_cdn Use CDN for JavaScript Obtain jQuery and jQuery UI libraries through a content delivery network (CDN).
jquery_colorbox_theme Visual style of Colorbox (a.k.a. "Shadowbox")
jquery_effect Effect for modules
jquery_effect_direction Direction
jquery_effect_speed Speed
jquery_effect_tabs Effect for tabs
jquery_effect_tabs_direction Direction
jquery_effect_tabs_speed Speed
jquery_fitvidjs FitVids.js jQuery plugin for fluid-width (responsive) embedded videos.
jquery_smartmenus_enable SmartMenus Add "SmartMenus" to Bootstrap menus. See smartmenus.org for more.
jquery_smartmenus_mode SmartMenus Mode
jquery_timeago jQuery Timeago jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps.
jquery_ui_chosen jQuery-UI Chosen Select Boxes Styled replacement for dropdown select lists and multiple-select inputs.
jquery_ui_chosen_sortable Sortable Chosen Multi-selects Enable drag and drop re-ordering of Chosen multi-select options.
jquery_ui_modals_draggable Draggable Modals Modal popups can be moved around.
jquery_ui_modals_resizable Resizable Modals Modal popups can be resized.
kaltura_adminSecret Admin secret Kaltura partner-setting admin secret.
kaltura_kcwUIConf KCW UI configuration ID Kaltura Configuration Wizard (KCW) user interface configuration ID
kaltura_kdpEditUIConf Kaltura video player ID (in entry edit mode) Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP) user interface configuration ID for use when editing. You can use a player which also has an option to select a frame as video thumbnail
kaltura_kdpUIConf Kaltura video player ID Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP) user interface configuration ID
kaltura_kServiceUrl Kaltura service URL for example, https://www.kaltura.com/
kaltura_legacyremix Show remixes from old versions of Kaltura Show remixes from old versions of Kaltura (remixing is no longer supported)
kaltura_partnerId Partner ID Kaltura Partner ID
kaltura_secret User secret Kaltura partner-setting user secret.
keep_versions Keep versions for Do not delete versions younger than this number of days.
lang_available_translations_dropdown Display available translations as dropdown Instead of a simple icon to list available languages or translation options, show a more visible drop-down list.
lang_bing_api_client_id Bing Translate Client ID The application must be registered.
lang_bing_api_client_secret Bing Translate Client Secret The application must be registered.
lang_control_contribution Manage contribution of translated strings Offers to set whether each translated string should be contributed to the Tiki community or kept locally
lang_google_api_key Google Translate API Key The key must be generated from the Google console. Choose to create a server key.
lang_machine_translate_implementation Machine translation implementation Select between alternate impementations for machine translation. Depending on the implementation, different API keys may be required.
lang_machine_translate_wiki Enable machine translation of wiki pages Makes additional languages available to the list of languages on the page.
lang_use_db Use database for translation Use the database to store the translated strings and allow using interactive translation
language Default language The site language is used when no other language is specified by the user.
language_admin Default admin language The site language is used in admin section when no other language is specified by the user.
language_inclusion_threshold Language inclusion threshold When the number of languages is restricted on the site, and is below this number, all languages will be added to the preferred language list, even if unspecified by the user. However, priority will be given to the specified languages.
layout_add_body_group_class Add group CSS info Either grp_Anonymous or grp_Registered and possibly grp_Admins as well
layout_fixed_width Layout width The width of the content area of the site, centered in the browser window.
layout_tabs_optional Tabs optional Users can choose not to have tabs. A <b>no tabs</b> button will be displayed.
ldap_create_user_ldap Create user if not in LDAP If a user was authenticated by Tiki’s user database, but not found on the LDAP server, Tiki will create an LDAP entry for this user.
ldap_create_user_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.
ldap_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in If this option is set, the user “admin” will be authenticated by only using Tiki’s user database and not via LDAP. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.
limitedGoGroupHome Go to the group homepage only if logging in from the default homepage
load_threshold Maximum average server load threshold in the last minute